Danial Experience :

Welcome to my journey !

I am a junior web developer so I am well into building static sites but I am not that into backend dev because idk. I have experience in using css frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS but I prefer tu write my own scss. I've also experienced using javascript frameworks like VueJS, ReactJS, ASTRO, Svelte, and Angular but my fav is vue and svelte. Other than frontend dev , I also do some bash scripting and python apps. I also have a little experience with cyber security like using kali linux, blackArch, DDoS Attacks, making phishing websites, network sniffing(wireShark), brower exploit framework (BeEF Attack), SQL injection. For networking I have experience using Docker-Container, virtual machines, load balancing virtual server and Network Subnetting. Oh and I use Arch btw.

Web Projects :

Math Game

A simple math game that generate random numbers and asks you to answer it

Sistem Rekod Pesakit

A simple simple admin dashboard that can organize user infomation

Other Projects :


WordlistChatBot: A python chat bot that reply base on user answer.


Minimalist-Rofi-Bash-Menu: A quick menu for random thing using bash.