About Danial

Danial Timeline


Danial learn about soldering , rasberry pi, arduinos , basic computer science. At the time danial when to many electronics camp and got many experience with fixing hardware and the fundemental of computing.


This is the time of Covid19 and the school at malaysia had to close. At these times Danial was involved in many whatsapp groups , redditing and many messegging exploits that i learned from youtube like text spamming , stiker spamming , text editting , whatsapp bots and many more. These exploits made people fasinated and share me to many groups.At the middle of the year Danial discover a new exploit that involved ip address and locations. Just after 2 weeks of using the exploit , my whatsapp account was hacked and my phone has some thing that force me to just reset the phone but thankfully i already made a backup.(I only did this exploits to my friends and lost the photos of the exploits)(plus all of them are broken now)


Danial starts his development journey as a web dev because he find it easy enough to be good at and still can make him rich. He started with some hostinger website and wordpress and tried many backend langguages. After some time danial dicided that he wanted to do fullstack dev because it can give him more chance in the industry


Danial went to Kolej Vokasional Kuala Selangor and took a course thats named Teknologi Sistem Pengurusan data dan Aplikasi Web(Database Management and Web Applications)